Friday, February 13, 2009

Oh!! You've GOT to be kidding me!!!!!!

This is something I had decided not to blog about and let go but somehow I feel enough is enough...Lately I have been reading and hearing a lot about Moral policing, controversies / protests over trivial and silly issues which are'nt even a issue, media reports about how Aamir Khan or Akshay Kumar are better than Shahrukh khan, how Akshay is the new King of Bollywood and how Aamir is a better actor and Shahrukh is aamir, salman and akshay are ganging up against SRK...blah blah BLAH.

I will first talk about the whole thing in the media surrounding Shahrukh Khan. Anything concerning Shahrukh is of importance to me and hence the mention here. I have tried to ignore such remarks and rubbish them,but with the Media making a mountain out of a molehill and blowing such news out of proportions its leading to a species of the human race, the kind that were born without a brain to leave comments on blogs and forums on various sites against SRK. I confess, it makes my blood boil when anyone says a word against Shahrukh Khan and its only natural that I would not hesitate for a second to defend him even if there is no need really to do so. Something I cant help because I genuinely feel really bad about it.

First of all, You cant compare SRK to Aamir or Akshay. All of them come from different backgrounds, do different genres of film and have different personalities. All three are of the same age, started of around the same time, except that Aamir was already an established star when Shahrukh came into the picture. Inspite of that Shahrukh has more universal acceptance than any other actor does and that is a fact. How many people in a country like Germany or even New Zealand would go see a Aamir khan film. They probably don't know him yet. Whether you agree or not shahrukh Khan is a global superstar.

As far as the genres or the types of roles they do. what happened to the notion of To each his own? I mean its their life , their choice, Shahrukh maintains that he doesn't choose the film,rather the film chooses him, he does what is offered and does not sit and decide what he should make. And if he's happy with that then why do people have a problem? You cant even compare thier styles of acting, while aamir does method acting, Shahrukh feels the charector and enacts. Thier styles are different. Its like comparing an Apple with a Potato. One grows on trees and is a fruit and the other is grown underground and is a vegetable! Ok! Wierd example.I know. But hey you get the point right? If Aamir makes socially thought provoking films,its his choice. I mean if those kinds of films makes you happy then by all means go watch his films but don't deride Shahrukh for his choice. Besides the way things are going in the country today, with terrorist attacks, vandalism, riots, people objecting and protesting about silly things, moral policing etc, how effective would a social film be? So many social thought provoking films have been made in the past.. have we learnt from them and improved as a society? No. we are getting from bad to worse.. so then why is everyone hellbent on insisting that actors only do movies on social issues. If you want a change in society then have the freaking balls to get off your butt and do something about it. Don't pick on soft targets. that's despicable. Movies are entertainment and are meant to be taken that way. We somehow pick on movies more than our politicians when its the politicians who are responsible for the betterment of our way of living. Better still, pick on yourself, after all you have to be the change you want to see. Everyone is entitled to an opinion, I agree, but the problem arises when it turns into an insult. Our constitution said , right to freedom of speech not freedom of insult!

I seriously don't understand what people have against Shahrukh.He has'nt killed anyone, or fought with anyone or badmouthed anyone. He always means well. He lives his life with sincerity, honesty and integrity.He is very grounded and knows his roots inspite of all the success he has earned. He does'nt interfere with others' work. Infact he promotes other actors and praises them. He is very secure in his space and is genuinely grateful with what God has given him. His success formula is to outdo himself, to compete with himself and that's what he means when he makes statements like "He is the biggest brand" or "He is the best actor in the world" which sadly people misinterpret as being vain and pompous. We all pep ourselves up at times to motivate ourselves. Going by that logic he publically makes statements like he is the best etc.. which is more often misunderstood. I guess some people are just jealous and cannot stand someone else being happy and content in life. Thats a shame.

And if you don't agree with what I say then that is your problem! Not everything,especially when it comes to people and personalities, is as simple as black and white.Every human is complex and if everyone understands that then maybe we would be a step closer to becoming a mature society.

But then some people are not complex, they are just plain stupid. And nowadays even the educated section of the society sometimes say things or act in ways which makes you say "what the f***?" I used to believe that a person with good education would make a sensible and responsible citizen but I was SO wrong. When educated people can't differentiate between right and wrong or whats a joke and whats serious then I'm seriously worried about the future of this country.

After the Mumbai attacks there was such an uproar about how people should wake up and raise their voice against injustice, question the system, be the change.. is this how people interpreted raising their voices? Every day or so you hear about a protest over a very trivial and silly matter that its just not amusing. When the attacks happened and Shahrukh was quiet for a while, people were upset , coz their logic was - the attacks were masterminded by muslims, shahrukh is a muslim and its his duty to condemn it. What Rubbish!! He's as Indian as anyone of us.He does'nt need to prove anything. It was shocking for him too. But instead of people getting angry with the government and the so called intelligence agencies for not having avoided the attack, a section was targeting him, Oh and during this time, Akshay Kumar not once came on TV or print to condemn the attacks because he was busy promoting JUMBO..and THAT'S not insensitive.?? oh but wait.. he's Hindu. Right. So not accountable.. How typical!!

Then there was the case of the Mangalore pub attack and even worse the comments by muttalick (I dont care how his name is spelt). Now the moral police is really getting on my nerves, this is where we prove yet again what a hypocritical society we are. We talk about taking India to the world yet behave in ways that takes us back to the stone age. Ill bloody well go to a pub with friends and have a drink or two, I'll wear short skirts if I want to,I'll buy valentine gifts if I feel like, freedom in this country is not only for the men, its for me too. What is Indian culture anyway? That women should be confined to the kitchen, should not go out of the house? puhleez.. even with the pub hopping, working and going out we manage our families just fine. These so called men of the moral police are just threatened by us. Same goes for rapists, who cant control their raging hormones and blame it on the woman. Vulgarity lies in the eyes of the beholder. So if you think something is demeaning , degrading or vulgar, you need to change the way you think.

And then the latest, the salon and hairdresser's association feeling "hurt" by the use of the word "Barber" in "Billu Barber". Wha!! The movie has been in the news for over 4 months now, yet they chose 2 days before the release of the film to voice their disagreement??!! Demanding that they scrap that word from the dialogues and change all posters. They are obviously a bunch of dimwits to even suggest such a thing. I find this whole "non" controversy hard to digest. They obviously don't care if the film is called "Billu Barber" or "Billu Hajam" or even "Billu Nai" for that matter... they just wanted their 15 seconds of fame! Disgusting.

There are hundreds of other issues floating about, not related to movies or Shahrukh Khan... but since these were fresh on my mind I mentioned them here.Besides they would just drain me out..I seriously need to consider anger management else I'll blow my top one of these days!

I'm really saddened that instead of learning lessons, working towards becoming better citizens, people are resorting to cheap tactics. Who are they kidding? Does the salon association or even the moral police think that people are going to sympathize with them? No way!! If anything, it just highlights how cheap, stupid and utterly dumb these people are. This is a classic case of "Aa bail mujhe maar"..."come, see, I have the IQ of a stone! "

When will people raise thier voices against the real issues. Are we always going to remain hypocrites? Where are the men with balls of steel? Or have all of them turned into hijras pretending to be men? When will we live and let others live in peace? When will we grow up as a nation? Why cant the government focus on such issues? Just because they keep quiet it gives motivation to these miscreants. Too many questions and sadly no answers.

PS: There is no offence intended to anyone reading this. This is just me generally letting off some steam!!

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