Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Twisted Intentions - Final Part

Name - Benjamin Pio.
DOB- 16 Oct 1952
Address- 10 Alcala de Guadaira, Seville. Spain
Occupation- Accounting supervisor , Seville Bank.
Marital Status - Widower

Officer Sanchez finished going over his file at the police station. From the looks of it there was nothing interesting about him, boring was the word. The only thing closest to exciting was a couple of speeding tickets he managed to get about 4 months back. He did not fit the profile of a killer or a rapist from any angle but then the semen sample did belong to him. This can’t be so simple. Sanchez thought to himself. He jotted down the address and left the station.

Officer Sanchez along with two of his subordinates reached Benjamin’s house in 15 minutes. It was two blocks away from Mrs. Gustavo’s house and looked identical in construction, but then all houses in Alcala de Guadaira looked the same. He rang the bell and waited for Benjamin to answer. After about two minutes there was no response and he rang the bell again. Still no response. He peeped through the window to see if there was any activity inside, but all was dark.

“He hasn’t been home in weeks,” Said a heavy accented voice from across the fence. Officer Sanchez looked at the direction from where the voice spoke. It was a neighbor. Sanchez noticed a woman probably in her late thirties dressed in jeans and an oversized shirt. She was trimming the hedges when she noticed the officers pull up ahead of her house.

“When was the last time you saw him?” Asked Sanchez walking over to the fence towards her.

“Hmm. It was sometime in the first week of September. He came over to return the lawnmower he borrowed from me before leaving for work. After that I have not seen him,” She continued.

“Can you tell me about anyone who can help me with his whereabouts, family, close friends, people who visited often..anyone?” he asked.

“Well, apart from the usual people, the gardener, cable guy, there were a couple of friends. And then ofcourse there was Carmen Reyna a regular visitor” And her face contorted in disgust as she said that.

Sanchez’s eyes gleamed as he noticed that a cue was coming from nowhere. He asked intriguingly, “ A regular visitor?”

“Si, but I don’t understand officer, why a good man like Benjamin, who had no vices would keep the company of a prostitute. And moreover if he chose to avail her services then I don’t understand why would he do it in a respectable locality like ours. I would think he was sensible not to flaunt it so openly. And this is the only reason he was ostracized by the neighborhood. We don’t really care what happens to him now ”

“Could you please tell me where she lives?” asked Sanchez while scribbling in his notebook.

Mockingly she says. “ Oh come on officer, you’re a MAN and a man of the law, it should not be difficult for you to trace a whore. I know you people have very good connections with such a tribe. Now, if you will excuse me I have to attend to some work. Good Day Officers.” With that she turned around and stormed into the house.

Officer Sanchez did not think twice about her abrupt exit and he and his subordinates returned to the station. He runs a search through the computer’s database and finds the file on Carmen Reyna.

Sanchez pulls up in front of Club El Mundo. He turns off the engine and waits. The club is located in the heart of the city in a shady side street. He watches a woman in a red leather mini skirt and top approach a car and talk with the driver. After a few moments she gets into the car and they drive off. Sanchez makes a note of the car’s number plate and model and then starts the car and drives off.

On his way, he receives a call from the station informing him that they had found a burnt up car at the bottom of a cliff on the outskirts of Seville. The number plate recovered was registered to Benjamin Pio.

Sanchez reaches the location at the bottom of the cliff in 40 minutes.

The officer in charge of the scene walks over to Officer Sanchez.

“Buenos Dias, Soy Inspector Dimas. This way por favor” He said directing him towards the car’s remains all burnt up and in ruins, ”a local found the remains and called us. We found the partly burnt number plate,” he said handing it over to Sanchez, “it is registered to Benjamin Pio. I heard that you were on the lookout for him and so got dispatch to contact you.”

“Gracias.” Said Sanchez walking over to the car and examining it and then asked, “ Was he in there?”

“Si, his is charred beyond recognition, God have merci on his soul. We found some of his belongings that confirm that it is Benjamin. We also found a knife with blood on it.” Inspector Dimas hands a plastic bag with the knife in it to Sanchez.

Sanchez examined the car and after about half an hour left the site heading for the station. He sent the knife for examination and the report confirms that the blood on it belongs to Mrs. Gustavo. Now he is certain that Benjamin Pio was the killer and rapist. It looks like he was trying to flee the place after hearing about the statewide hunt for him and somehow lost control and went straight down the cliff.

Sanchez was relieved yet disappointed. Relieved that the case was finally over and disappointed because it seemed to end so easily. He wound up for the day, informed Adrian of the outcome and went home to relax with a glass of whisky on the rocks.

The next day Sanchez went to the church to clear his head and ran into Nieve.
He walked over to her and introduced himself as the investigating officer in Adrian’s grandmother’s murder.

She gave him a blank expression and said, “I’m sorry I did not know that Adrian’s grandmother was murdered. Adrian and I have not spoken in months.”

Sanchez looks puzzled, “That is weird, just the other night, I was to meet Adrian in the evening for drinks after work and he mentioned that you would be joining us”

Nieve’s expression turned to anger, ” Adrian and I used to go out a long time back but we broke up. I am married now but he just wont let me be. I have told him many times not to bother me but he just wont let go” Then she paused to think if she should say more or not and then deciding that she should, continued, “ After I got engaged 6 months back he threatened my fiancĂ© warning him to stay away from me. When we just ignored him, he went to his place and beat him up for no reason. Since then I have been trying to stay away. “

“Really?” Officer Sanchez was surprised. “In the brief time I know him, he has been calm and has been handling this incident with his grandmother well.”

“Well, all I can say is that he goes through these mood swings and at times he loses his temper and at that time he does not know what he is doing and in such times he is capable of doing anything.”

Sanchez thanked her and left the church.

A week later, Adrian was sitting in the kitchen sipping his morning coffee and reading the paper when he chanced upon an article.


Saturday, October 02, 2006 Seville

Early last evening, Officer Marcus Sanchez of the Seville police station was found dead in his apartment at 16, Avenida del Jardin, West Seville. The cause of death was due to an overdose of marijuana and a half empty bottle of Whisky was found at the scene indicating that he his death was a result of a mix of drugs and alcohol. He was 47 years old and lived alone. Per the post mortem report, time of death was September 31, two days before his neighbor discovered his body. Funeral to be conducted at 5 pm on Sunday, 03rd October by his neighbors.

Adrian finished reading the article and put the paper aside. He got up, picked up his keys and walked out the door to go to work as though nothing happened.

The next day, being Sunday Adrian went to the market He had just stepped out of the cafĂ© on to the street when a short man dressed in a business suit and a hat, appeared in front of him. Adrian stopped abruptly and looked at the stranger. All he could see was that he was bearded and wore dark glasses, his face was not clear. Adrian tried to step aside but the man blocked his path. Adrian looked puzzled. The man looked him in the eye and said disgustedly “Why did you do it?”

Adrian looked at the man in puzzlement and then in mock seriousness said “ Funny Huh? But I had to do it and it brought me luck“ With that he walked off laughing.

That evening at 5, Adrian attended Officer Sanchez’s funeral.

The next morning on his way out Adrian stops to check his mailbox. He finds a package with just his name on it and no name of the sender. He gets into his car and opens the package curiously.

In it he finds a little box, he opens it and notices a note, as he reads it his hands start to tremble.

“ You forgot to get rid of this. I’m sure you would not want the cops to get a hold of it “

Below the note he finds a small notebook, he opens the book to a random page and reads his own writing, ” …mama Gustavo was the only person in the whole world who really understood and loved me… how could she betray me like this….”

His mind started to race trying to figure out how this could have gotten into someone else’s hands. “ How could I be so careless, I forgot about this journal, who is this person and how did he get a hold of this?” He tries to recall any visitors in the last couple of days, apart from Officer Sanchez he could not think of anyone and Sanchez was dead.

Adrian puts the journal aside and drives off furiously.

Later that afternoon, during his lunch break he receives a call on his cellphone. Its an unknown number.

“Hola”, he answers

“Did you like the surprise?” says a deep accented voice

“Who is this? And what do you want?”

“Who I am does not matter. Its what you did is what matters. Did Carmen ask you to do it?”

“I don’t know what you are talking about. And I don’t know any Carmen” Saying that Adrian hangs up the phone.

Adrian wiped the sweat off his forehead and walked into the store manager’s cabin and told him that he would like to go home as he is not feeling well and then left the store.

Adrian reached home and locked all the doors and windows and peeked out the window to see if there is anything suspicious outside. He walked into the kitchen and switched on the stove and burnt the journal. He then poured himself scotch on the rocks and went into the living room and sat on the couch. He shut his eyes and tried not to think of the journal and the phone call he received earlier in the day.

Adrian woke up with a start when the doorbell rang. He must have dozed off. He checked his watch. It was 10 to 6 in the evening. He walked to the door and opened it.

“Hola Adrian.” It was the man from the market. ”It was rude of you to hang up on me like that, but that’s muy bien no hard feelings, what say we have a couple of drinks and finish that conversation I started?” He said smiling.

Adrian at first did not know how to react and then he started getting furious. He was about to shut the door on the man’s face when he stopped it with his foot.

“There’s nowhere to hide, Adrian. Its over! ” the man said, his voice losing the humor

“ Leave me alone or else I’ll call the police.” Adrian shouts furiously.

“Go ahead, it would make it easier for me” he dared Adrian

“What do you want?” Adrian said feeling hopeless now.

“I want you to confess” The man said bluntly

“Confess what? I have done nothing.”

“Alright, then let me refresh your memory. For starters how about plotting your grandmother’s murder along with Benjamin’s stepsister Carmen. Does that ring a bell or should I go on?”

Adrian stared at him blankly, his face turning pale.

“I know it all Adrian. Carmen told you about the affair between Benjamin and Mrs. Gustavo and that made you mad. So mad that you agreed to the her sick idea.”

“That’s a lie.” Adrian stammered.

“Is it? You claimed that you did not know Benjamin. But you know his stepsister really well. I know that you are a regular visitor at Club El Mundo where she works. Is this proof enough?” Saying that he pulls out an envelope with a photo of Carmen and Adrian getting out of Club El Mundo.

“I did not know they were related”

"So, you agree that you know Carmen? "

“Si, but that still does not prove anything. And how does this concern you.. Who are you?”

“You will find out soon enough. But first here’s the proof you’re asking for. We managed to get your friend Carmen to give us all the answers. ” saying that the man takes out a tape recorder and switches it on.

Adrian listened to Carmen’s voice revealing how Carmen came to him and told him about the affair between Mama Gustavo and Benjamin. Of how they planned the murder..Adrian “accidentally” walking in on Mama Gustavo and Benjamin in bed and then losing his temper and killing Mama Gustavo by slitting her throat with a fruit knife.And knocking Benjamin unconscious and then carrying him to his car and driving him to the outskirts and off that cliff.

“STOP!!” Adrian screamed and fell to the floor.

“ PLEASE STOP!! Yes! YES !! I killed her!! She betrayed ME .. the one person in this whole wretched world who was mine ..MINE .. but she did not love me.. she loved that.. that.. Benjamin.” He spat out that name in disgust.

“I knew that he visited her in the day when I was at work and so I cam home early that day and found them in bed. Behind my back! How could she.. she always said that I was the one and only special person in her life .. but she LIED!!I told her how she hurt me.. betrayed me. But she wouldn’t listen. She defended him. Said that I was overreacting and that I was still her little angel. LIES ALL LIES. And then Benjamin interrupted. How dare he come between mama and I .. he was the cause of all my pain. I lost my temper and hit him hard and he lost consciousness. I went to mama and grabbed her by the hair. And picked up the knife and and slit her throat.”

Adrian’s voice dipped and he started sobbing. ”I was so furious , I did not realise what I was doing.I was blinded by rage and when I calmed down she was gone. I tied her hands and legs and gagged her mouth with the bedsheet.it felt like the right thing to do at the time.”

There was a long silence after which Adrian continued remorsefully . “ I sat there for a long time trying to calm down but It was like I was in a trance. All I could see in front of me was the betrayal, the heartbreak she caused me. She knew that I had a loveless childhood and that she meant the world to me”.

After another long pause. The man took off his hat, glasses and peeled off the fake beard. He then placed his hand on Adrian’s shoulder and said , ” Hijo”

Adrian looked up at him and froze. “ Officer Sanchez.?. but you were…” He asked in disbelief.

“Si,It was an act. I suspected you for a while and did not know how else to get you to confess. What did you do with Benjamin?” He asked.

Adrian looked at him and spoke in an emotionless tone “ He was still unconscious, so I tied him up and carried him to his car and put him in the passenger seat. Then I drove him just outside Seville where there is a cliff. It was dark and deserted and I put him in the driver’s seat and placed the knife with him and pushed the car down.I walked a mile and then hitched a ride and reached home and after a while called the police”.

Sanchez took a deep breath and glanced back signaling his deputies to come over. “Handcuff him! “ He ordered them.

At first Adrian did not resist. Just when the officer was about to handcuff him, he noticed his gun holster and grabbed it. He took a step back and put the gun to his head.The officers are taken aback and the other deputy and Sanchez pulled out their respective guns and pointed it at Adrian.

“Don’t be loco Adrian.” Sanchez shouted. “Put down the gun NOW!”


And with that he pulled the trigger!

~~~~ El Extremo! ~~~~~