Wednesday, July 12, 2006

Home Alone.! - My first attempt at story writing..!

The clock struck 3:00 AM , and I woke up with a start as I heard a noise. I sat on my bed straining my ears and listening .. there it was again.It was really faint and I could not make out what it was. My heart skipped a beat and I felt goosebumps. My folks had left for Bangalore that evening and I was home alone and the thought of someone in the house scared the hell out of me. I sat there on the bed paralyzed wondering what to do next.. part of me wanted to go and investigate and part of me just wanted to crawl under the covers and shut my eyes tight. I decided I wasn't going to be a coward and told myself its probably just a mouse and that my imagination was going haywire.I got off the bed and as I did the bed creaked.

"Damn...!! Shut up you dumb thing " I mumbled under my breath.

I slowly tiptoed towards the door. There was a baseball bat against the wall near the door, which belonged to my brother.I picked it up for defence..just incase the mouse decides to pounce on me.! I slowly opened the door and peeked out. It was dark and quiet.. everything seemed normal. I almost heaved a sigh of relief and decided to turn back and get into bed .. when I heard that noise again.. this time a little louder and continuous. It came from my parent's bedroom and sounded like someone singing .My heart was beating so hard I thought I would just faint.Slowly walking towards my parents bedroom I quietly opened the door and stepped inside, baseball bat ready to pound anyone who dared attack me at that moment, and then I heard it loud and clear ..

"Believe me, baby,
I didn't plan it this way
I thought I'd see you one night and
Forget you the next day "

My heart stopped beating as the music played..I stood there paralyzed.. thoughts rushing through my head...
"Where is this coming from...there is no one home except for me.. how could this be happening ??..... should I go in and check or not .. oh God.. what do I do ?? "

Reluctantly I took a step inside and reached out for the light switch on the panel and turned on the light... the music continued to play. The music system was placed on the far end of the room in a corner. I scanned the room and there was no one there.I walked towards the bed which was in the middle of the room and took up most of the space and slowly bent over and peeked under it. Again, no sign of anyone there.

" Strange" .. I thought to myself.

I got up and walked towards the music system to turn it off. As I reached for the button, I noticed that the deck was empty with no tape inside..

"what the heck..!? " I thought, "how the hell is that song playing then? "

The system was old and the CD player had not been working for months and mum wasn't too keen on fixing it either. So that option was ruled out. I quickly switched off the main power and pulled out the plug and the music stopped. As I turned around to go back to my room...I froze..!!

There stood my mum near the door staring at me angrily and then she said " You're going to miss your bus again..! " and then I could feel myself shaking...

I woke up with a start .. and stared at my mum bending over me, waking me up.. I looked around and saw that I was lying on my bed and then it struck me...that it was all just a dream...!!

And I heard mum saying on her way out... " kab sudheregi yeh ladki.. saari raath music system on rakhti hai .. uff..!! "

Sunday, July 09, 2006

You were there.!

In my darkest moments of despair
You were there... to hold me tight
You said everything would be alright
... and it was.

When I wanted to be alone... you understood
You knew... and never left my side
You said you would never let go
... and never did.

When my spirit took flight
You were there... sharing my joy
You said I deserved every bit
... and I believed in you

Through the heartbreak and the tears
You were there... holding me in your arms
You said you will love me forever
.. and you still do

You always seem to touch my soul
To you I owe all the strength I feel.
Now looking back through it all ..
you stood by me when no one else did
And I want to say to you..
I love you .. My best friend..!!

- Namrata

Monday, July 03, 2006

Empty Within

Sitting here all alone
Inside these four walls
Drowned in silence
I take comfort in solitude

Thoughts elude me
I know not how I feel
the voices in my head
died along with me

I've become amused
I've become blind
I've become illiterate
to all my emotions

I embrace reality
with a clouded heart
that feels no love
with an open wound
that hurts no more

Hope, love, loneliness and pain
don't mean a thing anymore
as I take a step towards
a dark and uncertain future..!!

Sunday, July 02, 2006


Endless nights..
sleepless .. restless
Thoughts of you
like a fever rising in me

Time stands still
Mocking my plight
When will this night end
when will I see you again

A beautiful starlit sky..
silhouette of the moon
Breeze softly caressing the trees
like two lovers lost in each other

A lonely heart
longing and craving
just a touch
to ease the pain

The sun awakens
promising a new day
full of hope and sanguinity
until another endless night.!

- Namrata

The One..!

All my life
I had this dream
that I would meet the one
my knight in shining armour
who would sweep me off my feet
and ride away with me into the sunset

Every night I would see him
elegantly attired in a blue cloak
symbolising loyalty and trust
sword in baldric
the paragon of
courage and chivalry
riding his majestic horse

I met many
saw many sunsets
hoping this would be the one
but each time my heart sank
He's playing with me
I told myself
a cruel game
of hide and seek
As time went by
I felt dejected and weary
of the lonely sunsets
the dreams ended
I abandoned my search
lost all hope
he had won and
I had given up

Until one day
lost in thoughts
I bumped into him
The warmth in his smile
a knowing glint in his eye
He looked familiar
I felt an instant connection
There was something about him
that felt like home
he wore blue denim
washburn across his shoulder
he smiled at me and
offered me a ride on his Harley

And as the dream came alive
hope stirred in me
along with uncertainty
and fear of bieng amort
Is he the one?
I am not sure
only time will tell
and I will figure out
if this is my sunset..!!

- Namrata

My Broken Heart

My dear heart...
why are you so fragile...
when you know they will break you

My dear heart...
why do you love unconditionally
when it hurts so much

My dear heart,..
why are you so naive
when you know they will trample on you

There is no one on your side
when will you understand
that its all a bunch of lies
that you don't mean a thing

My dear heart...
when will you accept
that you will never heal
you're scarred for life.

- Namrata


They say.. make the effort
seek and you shall find
They say.. take a chance
and it will be yours

They say.. be patient
it comes to those who wait
So.. I did
and I ended up broken

They say.. don't expect
and it will find you
So .. I did
and I ended up broken

All shattered inside
No way to pick up the pieces
Tears dried up
Spirit all torn

They say... we know how it feels
to be broken and shattered
No one will ever know
that all I ever wanted
was to belong
that all I ask for
is to fill this void deep inside of me

They say.. we care
that this is all in my head
Then why do I feel this way
feel like... I am alienated

And now I ask no more
I seek no more
I expect no more
Im drained of all energy
devoid of any emotion
Engulfed in nothingness
Now... I care no more.

- Namrata

My very first Poem - Lonely

Why am I here
where noone can see me
why do I have a voice
when noone can hear me

why do I feel
when noone cares
why do I exist
when im invisible

Im tired of living this way
all alone in the crowd
feeling hollow and empty inside
why oh why am I me?

Im trapped and want to run
but where do I go
when everywhere leads to here